Hi Reader, I'm just excited to announce that our project, the Play area for our special kids at the Romblon East Central School in Romblon, Philippines, is almost done. We started our fundraising and the project, way back in 2017. I know, it has been a long time, 6 years now, but remember, we started from nothing and with all your support, we have done a long way and hopefully, it should be done in a few months. Recently, we started putting in tiles to the flooring, and when this is done, we will be putting rubber mats on top to avoid slips and hard falls on our special kids who are attending school. I have not been writing about all the renovations these past years. Life has been so busy. So sorry.... But, I have been visiting the play area everytime I go home and the last visit was last year in 2022, where we noted repairs were needed for the roofing, thus, we did some jobs last year. I promise when tiling is done, I will make another post ( with photos ) so you will be updated. Read our latest fundraising here. It's been awhile, but if you would like to donate, our Go fund me page is still open. Or you can donate directly to our bank account. Please reply to this email if that's your choice. If you are celebrating something important, like your birthday, or any of your family member, you might want to donate. Your donations have been put to the project 100% and after this, we will continue to help our special kids with their education, or any project for them. We are lucky that we have 3 monthly donors for now, and if you would like to be one, you are more than welcome😊. Please reply to this email if this is for you, so I can send you details on how to send your help. Any amount will be appreciated. There is no small donation, only big help. That photo above was taken only last week, and maybe after a few days, the flooring will be done. In a few months, when I go on vacation, we hope to have it blessed. Read how we started the project below. ​
God bless, Marita ​panggataikaw.com​ |
Hi Reader, Finally, I have put up the video. Just like building the indoor play therapy area for seven long years, it took me 6 months to put up the video, lol! We started from scratch, you all know that. Thank you to everyone who have been our supporter and donor since day one. Read the details on how we started here: https://panggataikaw.com/category/project-and-fundraising/ Again, shout out to all donors and supporters. With your help, we have gone a long way. Pangga ta Ikaw will continue...
Hi Reader, My hubby and I went home for a long vacation last month in January and saw first-hand the fully-built indoor play area for our special kids. We had it blessed and had a ribbon-cutting to formally open it, although it has been used already in the previous years, even though it was partially done, way back. Watch out for the full video of this important milestone of our project. Meanwhile, please enjoy my latest post about the updates. This post is long overdue, but I just have to...
Hi Reader, It's 18 days to go and we're celebrating Jesus' birthday. How are your preparations? As always, I do my decorations and gift-wrapping close to Christmas, not only because I'm always procrastinating ( are you like me, lol! ) but I'm just so busy with other things. OVERWHELMED, there. So many stuff on my plate. I do plan and prepare early, like I did some shopping already for gifts, but life at home has been chaotic with lots to organize, so I still have to find time. But, I'm big on...